South Harrogate

Complete remodelling of the house in collaboration with Stephen Neall, interior designers. There was not much left of the original by the time we had finished.The loft was converted including installation of steel supports. The roof was stripped replacing timbers, tiles and insulation to modern standards, then two bedrooms and a bathroom formed in the new space.The existing house had all the plaster removed and the cavity walls insulated. The existing layout was changed to include a new staircase and new fixtures and fittings added.Extensions were added to both sides of the house to give more space and a double garage and carport. The existing basement was enlarged and taken down deeper to give more headroom.A terrace was formed at the rear of the house to give a large outside area at ground floor level, with steps and landscaping down to the garden.

Project Type:

Extension and alteration

Project Date:

Completed 2014